Google’s highly versatile Android operating system currently dominates the lucrative mobile market in China, where 300 million are expected to use the OS by the end of 2013.
According to various studies and stats cited by TechInAsia, approximately 86 percent of smartphones sold in China run Android, leaving Apple’s iOS with a paltry (yet profitable) 12 percent.

Interestingly, China-based devs code the nation’s favorite apps, while foreign gaming studios create China’s most-played games.
Indeed, based on stats garnered from Wandoujia’s third-party Android store, it seems as if 10 percent of the site’s top app downloads are from overseas developers, while 70 percent of the leading games originate from outside China’s borders – with Temple Run currently weighing in as number one.
Meanwhile, Chinese giant Tencent codes four of the 10 smash-hit apps, with its WeChatmessaging app hovering serenely alongside Tencent’s older QQ instant messenger app.