An analyst at Jeffries investment firm says Apple will roll out its next iPhone and iPad by June 2012, to be followed by a television set in the fall of 2013.
According to Peter Misek, the iPhone 5S will feature a new super HD camera/screen, a better battery and NFC. Additional upgrades may include an IGZO screen from Sharp for what he dubbed a “Retina+” display,” as well as 128 gigabytes of storage.

Regarding the next-gen iPad, Misek says the tablet could feature an IGZO display, along with significantly reduced weight, as the new model may only be half as thick as the current option.
As for a full-fledged Apple television set, Misek noted that the oft-rumored device could launch in September or October of 2013.
“iTV prototypes are also floating around,” Misek wrote in an industry note obtained by AppleInsider. “Gesture and voice control along with new user interface are the main innovations.”
And last, but certainly not least, Misek said Apple was mulling over the possibility of launching a low-cost iPhone, which may roll out in 2013 at a price point of $200-$250 without a service contract.
“Our checks indicate a low-cost model would be a retooled iPhone 4 with a scaled-down modem, apps processor, etc. Foxconn International Holdings already has a supply chain for capacity scaling up to 200-300K units per day.
“[Plus], average selling prices have likely peaked. With smartphone penetration high in developed markets, the future for Apple and the industry is developing markets,” he added.