While most of us probably end up listening to MP3s on our smartphone, there are those who prefer to conserve battery life and opt for a dedicated player.
Enter Samsung’s re-branded S Pebble music player.

Now known as the Muse, the slick MP3 player is designed to be paired with a Samsung smartphone (Galaxy S II, Galaxy S II Skyrocket, Galaxy S III, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note II) and can store up to 4GB of music.
Moving music files is made easy for Galaxy owners via a specially coded sync app in the Google Play Store.
Of course, there will always be the minimalists among us who absolutely aren’t interested in carrying yet another device around, whether it be a Mophie to recharge their smartphone/tablet or a dedicated MP3 player.
Personally, I’m leaning towards picking up the Muse, as I’d rather not eat up precious battery power listening to music (especially if I’m using my Galaxy SIII as a mobile hotspot), even if I do carry around a Mophie for emergencies.
Interested? The Muse can be purchased here for $50.