I’m sure I’m not the only gamer out there who is super stoked about the upcoming Wikipad, an Android-powered mobile gaming console.
As you may recall, the tablet went up for pre-order for $499 back in September. Since then, we’ve discussed the device many times on TG Daily, most recently confirming that the Wikipad is indeed PlayStation Mobile capable.

The tablet launch was imminent, at least until an official announcement confirmed an 11th hour delay. Those who pre-ordered may have been expecting to get their hands on the new gaming console just in time to have something to play with while handing out candy to trick-or-treaters.
So if you’re bummed (I know I am) and possibly angry that your tablet was delayed at the last minute, the Wikipad team will be offering a consolation prize for people who pre-ordered up until October 31. Yes, the device will arrive with a special bonus gift for individuals who pre-ordered the tablet before the delay was announced. It’s unclear at this time exactly what that special pre-order bonus will be, but my money is on free games.
Wikipad hasn’t offered a specific schedule for the device to be delivered, but noted it was in the final stages of setting a new date. As for why the tablet was delayed, the company remains vague. The only reason given for the delay was a last-minute opportunity to enhance the bundle along with a minor refinement to ensure customer satisfaction.
The official statement reads:
The Wikipad team has been relentlessly working with our manufacturers and partners to perfect the Wikipad bundle to ensure our first product is the best tablet and entertainment experience at launch. There is a last minute opportunity to enhance the Wikipad bundle as well as a minor refinement needed to ensure our first customers are completely satisfied with the Wikipad.
We have informed our retail partners about this delay. For those who pre-ordered the Wikipad at GameStop through today October 31st, we will deliver the refined and upgraded bundles as well as a special bonus gift with the pre-order.
We are very eager to deliver the Wikipad experience and are passionate about excellence. We apologize for this delay and want you to know that we are committed to bringing you the very best, high-end gaming tablet possible.
We are in the final stage and will be announcing the new date soon.