Another phone has been confirmed for a Jelly Bean upgrade in 2013.
Sony has announced that its Xperia T smartphone will be eligible for the latest version of Android, also known as version 4.1, but it will not be able to push it out by the end of this year.
The Xperia S, Xperia Acro S, Xperia ion, Xperia P, Xperia go, and Xperia J have all also been slated for an update to Android 4.1.

The Jelly Bean upgrade could be considered a minor update for the Android platform, which is why it only brings the version number up to 4.1 instead of 5.0.
The most functional aspect of the update is that it looks different depending on the kind of device, so 7-inch tablets have a different presentation of Jelly Bean than 10-inch tablets or smartphones.
Among the updates are increased enhancements to the speed and performance of Android, new and sleeker widgets for the home screen, expandable notifications, and a more user-friendly app for viewing and deleting photos.
It also offers a new touchscreen keyboard for even more seamless text input, as well as new features for the ever-growing list of near field communication (NFC) devices, allowing users to tap phones together to enable things like photo sharing.