Questions are swirling around after Apple failed to send out invitations to an iPad Mini event, which was expected to happen yesterday.
According to previous reports, Apple was planning on a big reveal on October 17, and it was widely believed that the media would receive their invites to said reveal on October 10.

Well, October 10 has come and gone, so where are the invitations? This definitely lends credibility to recent rumors that there have been supply problems overseas for the new device.
Obviously, no official confirmation about the tablet has come from Apple and as such it has nothing to say about any potential for falling behind schedule.
The real question is whether or not the company can still get the product out in time for the holiday shopping season.
All previous iPad models measure in at the 10.1-inch size, but thanks to competitors like the Nexus 7 and the Kindle Fire, Apple is now facing increasing pressure to create a cheaper device that can stand toe-to-toe with these smaller tablet devices.
According to various reports, the miniature iPad will have a 7.85-inch display, making it slightly larger than a Kindle Fire or Nexus 7 but not incredibly so.
The resolution is apparently 1024 x 768 and it would be capable of playing all the same apps that anyone can access on the iPad or iPad 2.
Obviously, apps that utilize the new iPad’s Retina Display technology would not be compatible. And thus opens what could be the biggest problem with launching an iPad Mini.