Google’s Nexus 7 is currently one of the most popular Android tablets on the market.
Nevertheless, the device hasn’t been immune from its share of bugs, some of which may very well be vanquished by updated (JRO03R build) driver binaries for Google’s indigenously designed tablet.

The binaries have been consolidated in a package by none other than XDA Dev member Jay Aristide and includes:
* WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS by Broadcom
* Touchscreen by ELAN
* Orientation sensor by InvenSense
* Graphics & CPU by Nvidia
* DRM by Widevine
However, as XDA Dev’s Poorcollegeguy notes, installation can be somewhat tricky.
“While there shouldn’t be any harm in flashing these, it’s a good idea to check and see if the custom ROM you’re using has these drivers in them already,” he explained. “Otherwise, it’s just flash in recovery like any other flashable zip.”
Current forum discussions indicate the latest drivers have successfully fixed unresponsive touch screen issues for some, although the consensus remains that the software update can only take the Nexus 7 so far on a software level, as inherent hardware related problems will likely remain.
Interested? You can check out the original thread here.