If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
Even though T-Mobile doesn’t sell the iPhone, it still wants to reach out to iPhone users. That is, those who have an unlocked version of the iPhone and as a result, can equip it with either AT&T or T-Mobile or another applicable carrier.

According to T-Mobile marketing VP Suzanne Lowry, on September 12, the company will install display units in its retail stores with the iPhone 4 front and center. But no, you still won’t be able to buy a T-Mobile version of the iPhone 4.
In addition to that, T-Mobile is also working on its own iPhone apps that will allow users to check their account status, view their bill, check their voicemail, and watch streaming video content.
It’s one of the craziest mobile marketing strategies to date, and it speaks to just how powerful the iPhone brand is. It also goes to show how many unlocked iPhone devices there are in the US.
September 12 is of course the day when Apple is expected to unveil the iPhone 5. There have been absolutely no rumors that T-Mobile will make some sort of surprise appearance at the event as the newest carrier of the iPhone.
So this in-store campaign is no doubt a way to steal some of the thunder that Apple will generate on Wednesday. Given how much T-Mobile is pushing the phone, it’s probably a pretty safe guess that it has actively tried to entice Apple to tailor a T-Mobile version of the iPhone, but to no avail.