Geeks love wearable electronic devices, and this cyberpunk-inspired electronic bracer is a perfect example.
Dubbed the Integrated Sensors Electronic Bracer 6 or ISEB6, the bracer is made out of leather and provides all sorts of information that you might need for your real-world quests. Oh, and yes, I’m betting the ISEB6 is perfect for picking up geekettes at your local Renaissance Fair or Steampunk shindig.

The device is fully functional, boasting a display that shows the time and date, your compass heading, exposure value for photography, positional data, a pedometer (tracking distance, time, and average speed walked), galvanic skin response data, temperature, and humidity.
The device also features an alarm clock function and a countdown timer. The screen is illuminated, with flashlight functionality, so you can see at night. Truthfully, it looks somewhat like the Fallout Pip-Boy wrist computer.

Power for the device is generated by a rechargeable lithium-polymer battery good for up to 48 hours per charge.
The ISEB6 is built around a Sparkfun Pro Micro development board and uses an Adafruit SSD1306 OLED display.
As the name of the brace implies, there are six sensors integrated into the design, including a TLS2561 digital luminance sensor, a HMC6352 digital magnetometer, a MTK3339 GPS module, HIH4030 analog humidity sensor, and an ATmega32u4 microprocessor temp sensor.
Galvanic skin response is measured using a resistor divider and gold plated electrodes inside the bracer.