Elecom has debuted a wireless projection keyboard that connects to a PC or mobile device via Bluetooth.
The slick futuristic device could be the perfect choice for those who want a keyboard, but aren’t interested in lugging around a full-size ‘board. Obviously, the downside here is that you’ll get no tactile feedback – although this is likely to change in the future as the technology evolves.

Still, if you’re a touch typist, the lack of feedback could be a deal-breaker. However, for hunt and peck sorts like me, and yes, geeks, well, this will probably do the trick.
The keyboard is officially dubbed the TK-PBL042BK wireless projection keyboard, and, as noted above it connects via Bluetooth or USB. Most importantly, both iOS and Android devices seem to be supported via the Bluetooth option.
As such, this might be the perfect keyboard to go along with your tablet or smartphone on the road.
If you plug the device in using USB, it will charge its internal batteries and provide connectivity at the same time.
The hardware portion of the projected keyboard is 38 x 29 x 75 mm and weighs 77g minus the rechargeable battery, which claims to offer enough power for two hours of continuous use.
This is the first version of the projected ‘board that supports Bluetooth, which will obviously make it a popuar accessory for both the iPhone and iPad. Your interest may be piqued, but when you hear the pricing, I have a feeling your interest may wane.
Elecom has priced the device in Japan at ¥28,875 – which works out to roughly $352. Meaning, you could actually buy a tablet for the price of this projected keyboard. I think I’ll pass, at least for now. What do you think?