No less than 14 Verizon devices will be upgraded to the latest version of Android.
Verizon became the first carrier to post a list of handsets and tablets that are confirmed to receive the update, which will bring them up to version 4.0 also known as Ice Cream Sandwich.
Until now, individual manufacturers had been releasing device names, but leaving it up to individual consumers to look through and see if their carrier or device was on the list.
Here’s the complete list of Verizon phones slated for ICS:
– Thunderbolt
– Droid Incredible 2
– Rhyme
– Rezound
– Droid Bionic
– Droid Razr
– Droid Razr Maxx
– Droid 4
– Spectrum
In addition, the following tablets are also promised to get the big software bump:
– Xoom
– Xyboard 8.2
– Xyboard 10.1
– Galaxy Tab 7.7
– Galaxy Tab 10.1
The exact timetable remains the biggest mystery of the Verizon update story. The carrier said upgrades will happen this year, but it’s only March so that leaves a big open window.
Upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich so far have been spotty, with early devices like the Galaxy S phone and the Transformer Prime tablet suffering freezes and crashes during the update process.
Google has assured that it’s working to make the new OS as compatible as possible with old devices, and it is just now starting to make its way to a handful of new phones.