You can now file your taxes without ever needing to turn on a computer.
Turbotax is once again encouraging users to download its mobile app, available on Android and iOS, which makes it possible to do everything from filling in your W-2 information to listing your charitable donations for the year.

And when all is said and done, you can e-file directly from the device, even from your mobile data connection.
Turbotax was the first company to offer complete e-filing functionality from a mobile app and it continues to enhance the mobile experience.
Among the unique features of Turbotax’s mobile software are the ability to take a picture of your W-2 and have the information automatically imported, as well as a seamless way to keep updated on your e-filing status after the process is complete.
In addition, users who choose to receive a Turbotax prepaid Visa card in the amount of their tax refund, instead of a check or direct deposit, can use the app to check the card balance and locate ATMs where they can withdraw cash.
“TurboTax mobile apps makes it simple and convenient for taxpayers to easily and accurately prepare and e-file a return, estimate their taxes and track their tax refund,” the tax software giant said in a statement. “Unlike other tax apps, TurboTax apps are specifically designed and optimized, for a true mobile user experience.”
The apps are free, but of course Turbotax will try to upsell you on its many products and services during the tax filing process.
The IRS begins processing federal income tax returns today.