In what is no doubt a move to prepare itself for all that is entailed in offering a full Android tablet, Amazon has updated its proprietary app store format.
The Amazon App Store for Android, version 2.0, has a completely overhauled interface, making it easier to find subscription content, featured items, and apps that are free or on sale.

The Amazon App Store has gained headlines by becoming, for many, the preferred choice of finding Android apps. Users who go to the platform generally find the experience much better and easier than navigating through Google’s own Android Market.
Many developers have even chosen to launch apps on the Amazon App Store first, before then making them available on the Android Market.
The problem with the Android Market is that even though Google is the search leader, searching for apps in that environment is confusing and frustrating. Sometimes, searching for the exact name of an app will not display the app you’re looking for. Google has been tweaking the Market ever since the Amazon App Store started stealing so much thunder, but it’s still losing fans.
With the Kindle Fire set to start shipping in a matter of days, Amazon’s presence in Android is going to get a big jolt, and that means the Amazon App Store will become even more popular.
By updating the online storefront, Amazon realizes just how much of a role it is likely to player in the future of Android tablets, and the future of Android in general. The Kindle Fire will go down as one of the hottest gift items for this holiday season.