Did you know that at least 200,000 Android smartphones are activated on a daily basis?
The new figure represents a staggering 25% increase from just 7 weeks ago, when Google pegged Android’s frenetic activation rate at an impressive 160,000 units per day.

“It looks like Android is not just phenomenal but an incredibly phenomenal success in its growth rate,” Google CEO Eric Schmidt told Reuters.
Indeed, according to Vlad Bobleanta of UnWired View, Android remains firmly on track to overtake RIM’s BlackBerry and become the second most sold smartphone OS in the world.
“[Then] Android only needs to grow 50% to equal Symbian, which is at 300,000 daily device sales. Sure, [increasing] from 200K to 300K is a lot harder than going from 30K to 60K, but [it] isn’t inconceivable anymore.
“And new device launches coming in the near future, such as the Motorola Droid 2, the Samsung Fascinate (Verizon’s Galaxy S), the HTC Desire Z and Desire HD and possibly many others we just haven’t heard of yet, will definitely help Android maintain growth.”
Bobleanta also noted that Android has been making significant inroads into the midrange smartphone market.
“[Android adoption in the midrange has been] helped by such devices as the HTC Wildfire, the Samsung Galaxy 3 and quite a few [smartphones] from Huawei and ZTE.”