NVIDIA and Lenovo at SIGGRAPH: Video Games and Reality Could Be Forever Changed
Let us talk about the future of electronic games, entertainment and the digitization of reality.
NVIDIA at SIGGRAPH: Big Changes Are in Store
Let us talk about why having a standard for metaverse items is important and what you’re likely to see in Huang’s keynote at SIGGRAPH on August 8th.
Five Areas Where Generative AI Could Make a Real Difference
Generative AI has hit the world like a storm.
Why Lenovo Is Winning in Storage
Let us talk about Lenovo and storage this week and why it is important to the enterprise ecosystem.
Microsoft Cleared To Buy Activision/Blizzard: Why The FTC Block Made No Sense
There is a lot of concern about tech companies getting bigger, but it makes no sense to cripple a US tech company in a competitive market particularly if the beneficiary of such an action would likely be a non-US company or if the result would be the failure of another US Company.
NVIDIA and the Big Unaddressed Problem with Self-Driving Cars
Let us talk about self-driving, why you should want it, and what still needs to be done.
Lenovo’s ESG Progress: One Step at a Time
Let us talk about some of what Lenovo has accomplished in terms of Environmental, Social, and Governance.
HP’s Climate Report: Impact Of Global Warming Causing Parents To Not Have Kids
Let us talk about climate change and focus on HPs efforts to make a difference this week.
Cisco Stadium: A View into the Future of Technology-Driven Hybrid Sports Events
We live in a world where we can choose the content we consume.