Because of the European union which if formed of much of Europe, many would assume common laws would be the same across each country in Europe. However, this is far from the case and one of the most notable areas is drink driving laws.
What is considered a completely acceptable blood alcohol content (BAC) whilst driving in the UK, can result in a lengthy prison sentence and ban from driving in Slovakia.
Below is a useful tool created by to help you understand how many drinks you personally can drink before being over the limit in each of the many countries in Europe.
The tool clearly shows the drink driving limits per country in Europe for novice, normal and commercial drivers. Next to these limits, they have detailed the weight of the fine, if over the limit in each country. At the top, they have included a table to help you make sense of the metric used to determine being over the limit which is BAC. Looking at both your weight and gender, the table clearly shows you how many drinks you can drink before reaching a certain BAC.
How to use the infographic:
If you plan on driving in Europe this summer, simply find the countries you will be driving in and find out what the drink driving limits for these countries are. Once you know simply go to the table at the top which matches your weight and gender to determine how many drinks you personally can drink before being over the limit.