6 tips for writing better content

Want to write a good content but don’t know how? You’re on the right page. To write really good content you need to work both strategically and creatively. Both parts are important for creating texts that are as much core as lovely to read. This, of course, requires some training and as a copywriter, I get a real dose of it every day. Here are some of my best tricks to keep me fresh and writing better content to every possible context. But of course, for certain situations, you need help from a third party. You can easily find your help through the Internet. One service that I can recommend is WriterCheap. Let ‘s back to the topic, this article aims to provide valuable suggestions so that you can write better content in the future. Here they are…

1. Read as often as you can

A sure tip for getting better at writing is to read a lot. Read everything that interests you and try to vary what you read. Swallow everything from news, blogs and song lyrics to fiction and poetry. The variation gives you new perspectives, a broader repertoire of phrases and words and lots of creativity to use to develop your own writing.

2. Write as often as you can

Obviously yes, but to get better at something, one must also practice it. Therefore write something every day. It doesn’t have to be long texts every time but make it a habit to get words down on paper, phone or computer. You will be faster, rapper and more creative and the habit in itself will give you more ideas for you even when you are not writing.

3. Have the purpose of the text clear from the beginning

If you are going to write a text for e.g. your website or social media, start by formulating the purpose before you lose the keys. Then have the purpose of you in the back of your mind throughout the writing process to be sure you keep a red thread and let the reader land in what you intended. The purpose is the foundation of every paper and without it; each paper will “walk without direction”.

4. Select details with reflection

Well chosen details can create magic in a text. But do not spend too much time as it can make the text feel difficult to read or loud. Choose and work with a couple of details that really convey the feelings you want the reader to bring and remember.

5. Let your text rest and then rattle ruthlessly

When you have finished writing a text and think you are finished with the fine grinding, wait a while before you publish it. Then read through the text again when it has been resting for a few hours. With bright eyes, you often find even more things to improve or delete. And speaking of ironing – do it without mercy. Look for difficult or unnecessary expressions that you can simplify, delete or replace.

6. Read your (and others) texts aloud to yourself

Another tip when you let your text rest and go through it again is to read the text aloud to yourself. Hearing how a text actually sounds is a good trick for discovering long, clumsy or complicated sentences. In addition, it is a good way to discover and enjoy the goodies where everything flaps, both in your own and others’ texts.

I hope you will benefit from the tips for writing better and more valuable content! Thanks for reading and just try yourself.