Facebook Video Marketing 101
The future of video marketing is on Facebook. According to an article at BusinessBacker, “videos uploaded directly to Facebook outperform YouTube and other third-party providers by getting 100% more views and 200% more shares.” It is clear that small businesses looking to get an edge in video marketing can do so with Facebook.
The article itself is an eleven step guide on how to produce, edit, and market videos on Facebook. This information is invaluable to any small business looking to expand their business and brand. By publishing videos on Facebook, small businesses can allow video engagement directly with potential customers in an ever-growing market. It is no surprise that the top 10,000 publishers on Facebook are doubling their video content output.
The eleven step guide offers tips from the best length a video should be to how filming the video in the right angle gains maximum appeal. For example, a study found that “viewer engagement begins to drop off after 2 minutes.” It is best that a video doesn’t last longer than 120 seconds. When filming a video, it is best to film it vertically because “vertical videos show up better on mobile devices.” These are just a couple of tips found in the guide.
It is important that videos be uploaded directly to Facebook rather than Youtube or other third party video streaming websites. Videos that are uploaded to Facebook directly “receive twice as many views and three times the shares of those coming from Youtube or other third parties.” No wonder businesses are flocking to Facebook and putting out their video content there. The article sums up this point perfectly by stating “Between July 2015 and June 2016, the top 10,000 publishers on Facebook more than doubled their video output. They spotted value in video content so follow their lead.”
The internet is constantly growing and with it, demand for video content. Any small business can use these tips to their advantage in expanding their business or just getting their brand out there for people to see. Amazingly, this video streaming service on Facebook is free. So what is stopping you from using it?