When it comes to love, the gift should definitely be out of this world. The less worldly it is, the more special and deep value it tends to hold for your Miss Special. Gifting her is to take her to the world of more love, where gifts are more connected and beautiful. But it might become a pain in finding the perfect gift for her, but it’s not impossible. There are tons of websites that will provide you with the complete full list of anniversary gifts for her. So, to make things simple we have compiled a series of ideas for you which does not affect your pocket, but prove to be amazing to gift your sweetheart.
1. Writing a love letter in the age of emails
Dump the technological advancements in communication and grab the way of oldies to express your love. So, grab your pen and a sheet of paper and jot down all you feel for her. Handwritten letters tend to depict more emotions & sentiments than any text you send her. If you are also one of those lovers who are too introvert at expressing their feelings, then this is your way out.
Don’t forget to send your letter with her favorite cologne which she loves about you, for that extra feel in expressing to her. This can help bring back some amazing memories while she read your feelings for her.
2. A day dedicated to her
Girls love to get pampered, especially by her special one. So you can gift her a day totally dedicated to her. You can simply make her day special with your small efforts and do things she likes, like cooking her favorite food, taking her out for her favorite movie, or getting her appointment at her favorite salon. You can offer her some foot massage or some neck massage, & you never know you might end up surprised by her.
If you both don’t live together, there are still ways to impress her. These examples will do the trick as long as you know her well.
3. Special gifts for special ones
Boxes of chocolate truffles, teddies, jewels, roses or a bouquet of her favorite flowers are the classic examples of all time romantic gifts. However, make sure that no compromise is made when you are buying a gift for her. Love is not about the expensive gift but it’s not even about a piece of waste. If her favorite flowers are yellow roses, then give them fresh and beautifully crafted, even if it costs you an extra dollar. Just remember, it’s her day and it is your job to make it special, no matter what.
4. Give some personal effect to it
Adding some personal effect to your gift will always make her feel your love for her. For eg. gift her a book of any of her favorite writers, with a love letter placed in it describing your love for her. It would be more romantic and sweet than just a book as a gift. This will also demonstrate that you strive to think of the gift you are giving instead of randomly giving a typical romantic gift.
5. Love for Music. Music for Love
This is an amazing gift for your girl if she loves listening to music all the time whenever she gets a chance. This idea is easy, inexpensive and most creative of all. All you will need is a working computer, a good internet connection & a MicroSD card and to add music of all her favorite singers, albums, band, etc. she loves. Don’t forget to add all the music that means something in your relationship or that remind two of you about some good memory. Voila! And you are done.
You can also add a personal message on the album covers which will show up on her screen whenever she will listen to the album & reminds her of you.
6. Small lovable trips
Trips are always fun, and you can always plan small ones with her. A full day shopping at the local mall (but only if your credit card is fully loaded and you won’t mind spending some on her special day). You can also take her to watch some play or a concert or to some museum. You must try to do things that you both usually talk about but never got time to do.
Let her know that you made a space on your schedule and how special she is for you. She would really appreciate your honest effort.
7. Album of memories
Memories are always closer to a girl’s heart, so an album which takes her on a journey of all old memories will always make her feel special. The simplest route to this is making an album of you both, which include all the pics from the day you first met to those special days till now. You can also turn it into a scrapbook, by adding tickets, food labels that have sentimental meaning.
8. Surprise her with packed lunch
In today’s busy world, when both are working lunch are usually done separately. So, to do something different, pack her favorite food from her favorite restaurant and just reach to her office at her lunch time and surprise her. Be sure to watch her schedule and make sure that it is feasible to do so.
Your girl is the passion of your love life, so making her day special is your duty and responsibility. So, use these ideas and make her feel special.
Photo Credit: ncabuild.com