Ladders are a vital tool in most production activities- including extension ladders, step ladders, and attached climbing ladders. Although it’s a useful tool, ladders have a negative reputation. More than 25000 ladder-related, on the job injuries have been registered in previous years. But in most cases, it is the worker himself who deviates from the safety guidelines.
The next time you deal with ladders, don’t make 7 mistakes with your ladder mentioned below.
1. Resting the ladder on an uneven surface
Be mindful of the surface your ladder rests on. If the surface is slick or rough, the ladder’s feet could budge as you move around the rungs. As a result, the ladder will slide out from beneath you, causing you to fall on the bare surface. Few examples of poor surfaces are – plastic sheeting, a bed of rocks, a wet driveway, or a freshly waxed floor.
2. Going beyond the rails
At times, we often position the ladder too far from the intended work area. But, if you stretch your arms or lean your body beyond the rails of ladders to reach that area, you’ll end up crashing on the ground. So, if you’re finding difficulty, go down and reposition the ladder to ensure safety. While standing on the ladder, your belt’s buckle should remain between the rails. If you do not know how to place the ladder, just follow the 4:1 rule.

3. Bringing a company
Never let anyone accompany you on a ladder. If someone climbs up to pass you, the ladder will buckle, and both of you will be at risk. For these purposes, two-sided ladders are designed.
4. Leaving the arms or locking device of the ladder unlocked
Engage the locking device and push down the metal braces until level, to ensure safety. No matter how small the job is, if these measures aren’t taken, your ladder will close in on itself, jerking you backward or forward. So, to stay aloft, adjust your ladder even if the job is a quick light bulb change.
5. Height is a factor
An extension ladder is appropriate for outdoor projects and a step ladder for indoor projects. As the size of the ladder varies, choosing a ladder that is too tall or short for your project can cause hindrances. It can make you stand on your tiptoes or bend down to reach the intended work area.
6. Standing on top of the ladder
When we say, don’t make mistakes with your ladder, this one holds the utmost importance in it. Every ladder should have a step labeled as the highest safe standing extent. If one steps beyond that, the ladder will become unstable, thereby increasing the chances of falling. So, avoid using the top cap of the ladder or the two rungs below it, to maintain balance or stability.
7. Setting up ladders near doorways
Avoid using ladders near doorways as there’s always a chance that someone will open the door, making the ladder tip over. So, put up a warning sign or a guard before using the ladder.
Mistakes often happen, but few can cause a threat to your own life. Therefore, always practice the necessary caution.