According to BioNTech’s chief executive, Professor Ugur Sahin, they are optimistic that the experimental coronavirus vaccine they developed with Pfizer, can contain the virus transmission by 50%. Last week, both companies announced that results showed the vaccine is 90% effective in preventing people from contracting the deadly disease. Professor Sahin said that if things go well, they will be able to deliver the vaccine by end of this year.

Associated Press: If everything continues to go well, the vaccine will be delivered by end of this year

Associated Press reports that one of the scientists behind the experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by BioNTech and Pfizer said Sunday that he was confident that it could halve the transmission of the virus, resulting in a “dramatic” curb of the virus’ spread.
Chief executive of Germany’s BioNTech, Ugur Sahin said he is “very confident that transmission between people will be reduced by such a highly effective vaccine — maybe not 90% but maybe 50%.”