There’s a team of developers working on an Android device that does nothing but bring Android games to your TV.
That is at least the focal point of the device, which apparently carries the code name “Ouya.” It doesn’t appear to have an official license from Google yet, and it’s unclear if the developers intend to go that route.

After all, it’s already being touted that users will be able to hack the device in order to play unofficial game titles through the Android software.
Streaming video game devices appear to be the big thing these days. Onlive is as popular as ever, and is poised to get a large boost when it fully integrates with Google TV.
And Sony just acquired Gaikai, the other key player in the “Netflix for video games” market.
Of course, Android isn’t exactly the biggest name in the world of gaming, or even in the world of mobile gaming. So it certainly will be a test to make Ouya a success.
According to a now-removed listing on, some of the individuals involved in the Ouya project are people who have previously been part of such high-profile projects as One Laptop Per Child, Jawbone Jambox, Peek, and Color.
It’s expected that the Ouya will sell for $99, making it a cheap alternative to other Android, even compared to the Kindle Fire or Nexus Q.
Again, nothing official has been announced about the device, so expect details to creep through in the coming months.