Alcohol rehab centers can save your life, especially the Canadian Health Recovery Centre.
With a number of alcoholics rise in recent years, it’s no wonder that more research has been done on this highly important issue. You might be afraid to admit you are an alcoholic, in fact, a large majority of alcoholics don’t even know they have a problem. But if you fear you are, then rehab could be a great option.
Why go into rehab?
Being looked after by professionals is so important. Your family will always be there for you, but sometimes it takes that extra hand from someone you don’t know, someone with valuable experience, to be able to guide you through the process and lay out the reasons you might be an alcoholic. Most importantly they can show you how to overcome your problems.
Rehab is a great option, especially at the Canadian Health center. Why Canadian Health Centre At Canadian Health Centre they believe in treating two things, not only the behavioral issues, but also the biochemical ones too.
How do they know this?
Thanks to detailed research from leading experts in the field. By using this method you are more likely to defeat alcoholism. The traditional method, 12 step plan, has only a 15-25% success rate, whereas this new system has an amazing 75-80% success rate.
Staying for a long period in a rehab center will not only distract you from the consumption of alcohol, but it will also give you the strength to stay off it when you come out.
How to be admitted
Firstly, be prepared forestay of between 45-90 days, much longer than the traditional period of 30 days. This is to ensure the likelihood of full recovery.
You will need to bring your health card, money, and comfortable clothes for both indoor and outdoor, fitness gear, shaving equipment, a journal, sun cream, and most important golf clubs, if you play, of course.
Make sure you don’t bring clothing suggestive of alcohol use, mouthwash with alcohol, drug paraphernalia, pornography, pets, food, and even your own motorcar, they suggest someone drops you off.
What would a typical day involve?
Guests start with a wakeup call, followed by completion of homework and some sort of meditation or fitness activity. After breakfast, there will be a schedule, which might include group or individual sessions, recreational activities, yoga, life-skills training and also some free time
In the evenings, there will be guest speakers, movie nights, access to a gym, sauna, and there is also a theatre.
What else is important to know?
At this Health center, only men are allowed. This is because men can often become distracted if there are females around. So this innovative way of dealing with the problem is effective with males as they will not be competing for the attention of women.
What are you waiting for?
If you are worried about your health and feel as though you are not in control with your alcohol dependence, then help is at hand. Come to Canadian Health center for expert advice from top professionals who will make your stay welcoming and help you get back on track.
Thanks to the new innovative ideas with a higher success rate than normal, you really should consider this as an option if you are serious about recovering from alcoholism, which could affect your life and your family’s lives.