Birth Control Pill

Birth control pills are a type of daily medication that prevents ovulation, which means they prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs. Without ovulation, sperm can’t fertilize eggs and pregnancy can’t occur. In addition, birth control pills provide an extra layer of protection by thickening the mucus that lines the cervix, decreasing sperm cells’ mobility.
When taken correctly, the pill is over 99 percent effective. However, since people aren’t perfect and sometimes forget to take their pill or take it at the wrong time, the true effectiveness rate is about 91 percent.
To get started on the birth control pill, begin to research services such as Nurx, where you can get it delivered straight to your door. A medical professional will review your medical history, listen to your concerns, and work to find the best option for you.
Birth Control Shot
The birth control shot is an injection you get every three months that prevents pregnancy. It’s usually given by a doctor or nurse, but women are sometimes given a supply of shots to take home and give to themselves. The birth control shot contains the hormone progestin that prevents ovulation. Like the birth control pill, the hormones in the shot also thicken cervical mucus.
You should get the birth control shot every twelve to thirteen weeks for optimum results. When taken regularly and on time, it’s about 99 percent effective. However, like the pill, people who opt for the shot aren’t perfect and are sometimes late getting it, pulling its real effectiveness rate down to about 94 percent.
Intrauterine Device
An intrauterine device or IUD is a tiny birth control device that’s implanted in your uterus. Two types of IUDs are available — copper and hormonal.
Copper IUDs work by releasing copper ions into your cervix. The copper ions cause your cervix to release a thick mucus that sperm cells can’t navigate through, making it almost impossible for them to fertilize an egg and cause pregnancy.
Hormonal IUDs work by releasing localized hormones that prevent ovulation – since the hormones are localized, they never leave your uterus. The hormones released also work to thicken cervical mucus, giving you that additional layer of pregnancy prevention protection.
Both copper and hormonal IUDs are over 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. They last for about three to ten years depending on the type you choose and are inserted by a medical professional.
Choosing a birth control method is an important decision that impacts your reproductive health and overall well-being. Take some time to research the different methods available to you and contact a medical professional for a prescription and help with deciding which choice is right for you.