Guide on the Best Snoring Solutions for Different Types of Snorers

Many people with snoring problems often want to know what the best remedy for them is. You search the web for snoring remedies and found a few types of them. However, you don’t know which type of snoring solution is the best for you. To stop your snoring, you must first determine what type of snorer you are. Different types of snorers need to use different snoring solutions to overcome the snoring problem. There are 4 types of snorers including nasal, tongue, mouth and throat snorers.

Nasal Snorers

Nasal snorers tend to snore with a rumbling and grunting sound. Nasal snoring is caused by an obstruction in the air passage. By nature, human beings breathe through their noses. If there is an obstruction like running nose, the amount of air that can enter through the nose will be reduced. As a result, the person will be likely to breathe through mouth when sleeping. Nasal snoring can also happen to people with small nasal passages or whose nasal passage tends to collapse when sleeping.

These types of nasal snoring problems can be easily treated with nasal strips. Nasal strip is sticked below the nose bridge to open up the nostrils. Nasal strips can be purchased in bulk of 30 or 100 strips. It is available in standard strength and the one with extra strength. Your doctor will recommend surgery if you have nasal snoring problem due to a defect in your nose structure like polyps and deviated septum.

Tongue Snorers

Tongue snorers will snore in a spurt sound that is louder than a typical snoring sound. They usually only snore when they are lying with the face upward. This type of snorer usually suffers from issues like receding chin or large tongue. When you lie down, the muscles at the back of the tongue will relax and falls back and thereby blocking the airway. If you are a tongue snorer, you may use a mandibular advancement device to move the jaw forward and prevent the tongue from falling to the back of the throat.

In anti snoring pillow, the middle part is elevated and thereby making it uncomfortable to sleep on supine position. Instead, you will be inclined to turn your head and sleep on the side. It supports the head and neck area so that you can sleep comfortably without snoring. Another remedy for tongue snorers is the anti snoring position trainer, which consists of an air cushion or wedge that you strap on to your chest. The strap can be adjusted to fit your body shape. If you consistently wear the anti snoring position trainer, you will be used to sleeping on the side and no longer have to wear it anymore.

Mouth Snorers

Mouth snorers will snore with a fluttery or rumbling noise. People who have problem breathing through nose will usually breathe through mouth. It can occur when you have a weak palatal tissue that block the oral cavity. When the air passes through the oral cavity, the tissue will vibrate and make the snoring sound. If you snore through your mouth, you can wear the mouth guard. Mouth guard is a plastic mouthpiece fixed loosely on the teeth of the upper jaw. Wearing a mouth guard can prevent you from breathing through mouth while sleeping. It can also prevent other consequences such as bad breath, and caries.

Nasal dilators will also work for people with mouth snorers. Nasal dilator is a small device used to open up the nasal passages and clear up congestion. It only takes a moment to insert the dilators into the nostril. There are many different sizes of nasal dilators for people with different nose hole sizes. Nasal dilator is a cheap solution for snorers. Some people don’t like nasal dilator because it has to be inserted into the nose hole. If you have a small nostril, you may find it causes a bit of discomfort when you insert it into the nostril.

Throat Snorers

Throat snorer will make loud snoring noises and then stop breathing for a while. The noise of a throat snorer is unrhythmic. People with sleep apnea will snore no matter in what position they sleep. The air cannot pass into your lungs due to the relaxing of the tissue in the oral cavity. As a result, the snorer will experience intermittent breathing stops. The muscles become tense again when you are aroused from your sleep and notice the interruption. If you suffer from sleep apnea, it is important that you seek medical attention.

CPAP therapy is the best solution for sleep apnea sufferers. In CPAP therapy, you wear a breathing mask with a tube that is plugged into the CPAP machine. It ensures that you are constantly breathing. UAS therapy involves installing a pacemaker below the tongue. The pacemaker will release electric impulses to keep the tongue muscles contracted so that the air can enter without any obstacle.