It seems like every time I turn around JJ Abrams has a new project set up.
Alcatraz just debuted, he also just sold a comedy/drama called Shelter for the CW, not to mention he’s already knee-deep in shooting Star Trek 2.

Now Abrams has managed to clinch yet another TV show, this one for NBC, and it’s got an interesting premise.
The new show is called Revolution, and as Entertainment Weekly reports, it’s going to be “a high octane action drama following a group of characters struggling to survive and reunite with loved ones in a world where all forms of energy have mysteriously ceased to exist.”
This is post-apocalypse, so the characters on this show are going to be navigating in huge empty cities, and it’s a Y2K situation where there’s no power for anything, but even worse, there never will be.
Eric Kripke, who wrote for Supernatural, is penning the script, and the show is scheduled for the Fall. It’s definitely an intriguing concept for a show, one that’s obviously going to be a challenge to make interesting for every episode, but JJ is clearly talented at coming up with concepts like this.
Still, it will be quite interesting to see how it all comes together (will it be clichéd, etc?), and what, exactly, the survivors will be facing.
Look for Shelter on the CW and Revolution on NBC in the Fall, and look for Abrams’s Star Trek 2, which is currently filming, on May 17, 2013.