No, this does not refer to your secret hiding place where you keep all your adult DVDs away from your wife or girlfriend.
Apparently, an adult entertainment company is in the process of building a “post-apocalyptic” bunker in, you guessed it, the ground zero of porn, the San Fernando Valley.

As CBS Los Angeles reports, Pink Visual is building this refuge, and the website also showed blue print for their plans.
Apparently the world’s now gonna end next year, 2012, or there’s some big catastrophe coming, and these guys clearly don’t want to be left behind when it happens.
But this being the porn business, the bunker’s set up for maximum comfort, with fully stocked bars, and “an enormous performing stage,” which is a relief to know, because if the world is ending, who wouldn’t want porn people to repopulate the human race?
Here’s also hoping there’s going to be brass poles down there, because, seriously, how can we survive the end of the world without stripping and lap dances?

The company won’t say where this bunker is out of “security concerns,” but there’s going to be a list of people who don’t work for the company who will be allowed in, and the bunker has a capacity of 1,200 – 1,500.
Now we all know that people in Southern California can be a bit sun baked and loopy, and porn people aren’t exactly great linear thinkers, but this really takes the cake.
It’s also funny to think that with porn going through a terrible recession a lot of money and resources are going towards this.
Then again, if a huge disaster really does happen and we’re not on Pink Visual’s bunker list, I guess we’ll really be eating our words then.