This is probably not true, but who knows at this point.
There is a rumor currently floating around the sites that cover this kind of thing, saying that We’ll get to see our first real teaser for Dark Knight Rises at the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 this coming weekend.

From what I can tell, the rumor began yesterday with this article on SuperHeroHype, as they are the earliest report of this to be found, and are the only ones I can find who claim that the info came to them from an inside source. As usual, the source is not revealed, and the validity and accuracy cannot be confirmed.
One could be willing to doubt this claim even if only because we’ve gotten so much fake stuff, including several fake promos, trailers, and ‘viral’ videos over the last few months. In fact, there have been at least two more fake teasers – claiming to be the one in front of HP7.2 just since this rumor was put out there. Everyone seems to be treating this tenuously.
There is further reason to doubt, however, and that’s the claimed length of the teaser. The SuperHeroHype story claims that the teaser is 1:33. This is very unlikely. That’s more like the length of an early trailer, not a teaser, and at this stage in filming, there would not be enough finished, edited footage to create a minute and a half trailer.
Besides, I think DC/WB has learned from Green Lantern that giving unfinished footage as teasers is a big marketing mistake. Better to keep the audience guessing what the film will look like.
Most likely, we’re still months away from a real teaser for Dark Knight Rises. The rumor article also reported that a poster will be released this weekend. Now that I could believe, but I guess we’ll see.
Dark Knight Rises stars Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, and Tom Hardy, and is slated for a summer 2012 release.