A genre film news website known as ThinkMcFlyThink is claiming there may be an unannounced plan to make a Batman/Superman team-up flick – which would be distinct from the new Justice League film.

Warner Bros., which hold the film rights to all major DC superhero properties, has already announced it is rebooting Batman again – simultaneously with their Superman reboot – neither of which connect to the upcoming Justice League.
This creates a canon mishmash which, while not unordinary in cinema history, seems downright irresponsible compared to what Marvel has been doing with their Marvel Film Universe.
The ThinkMcFlyThink rumor also claims Warner Bros. is first looking to Henry Cavill, the Superman of the upcoming reboot, Man of Steel, and Christian Bale, the Batman of the current – soon to be rebooted – Batman trilogy, as the leads. Obviously, this move would muddy the waters further, since there will be a new Batman out by then (with a new look and personality), as Bale has already announced he does not want in on the new reboot.
Unsurprisingly, ThinkMcFlyThink reports the studio has not yet decided which of the two characters should take the lead; if it should be Batman mentoring a new Superman or Superman mentoring a new Batman, neither of which makes any sense at all.
This rumor hits the ‘Net at around the same time as reports about the new Lois Lane being a blonde. I certainly didn’t blink when I heard Perry White would be played by an African-American, as there is nothing about him which must be light-skinned, but Lois is indisputably a brunette.
That’s the only detail of her character which has remained the same across all possible permutations of the character. Of course, the casting now makes sense. If you remember, the first thing I said when I saw that Amy Adams was chosen for Lois Lane was a comment on her inability to pull off the hair color. Maybe they tried to dye her hair for the film, and decided she looked funny.
Here’s the video that started that rumor, by the way. It seems to depict Amy Adams filming a scene for Man of Steel, blonde hair color intact.
There is no release date for the rumored Batman/Superman flick, and the Justice League film will likely be missing its expected 2014 release, but Man of Steel will be in theaters June 14 , 2013.