Someday, we’ll have a comicbook based on the whimsical Pushing Daisies television show, but it’s not an adaptation or a retelling, it’s a continuance of the story from where the defunct show left off.
Unfortunately, it won’t be as soon as we thought.

If you’re like me, you were more than a little disappointed when the comic fantasy serial Pushing Daisies failed to complete its second season.
When that happened the show’s creator, Brian Fuller, promised that the story would eventually be wrapped up somehow, as there were still several major loose ends in the plot.
If you’re not familiar, the show revolved around a piemaker named Ned who has the ability to wake people from the dead, with the stipulation that he can only do it for a short-time, lest another person die in their place, and even then he can never touch the undead person again, or he will return them to death.
The first season opens when Ned revives his childhood sweetheart, and accidentally keeps her alive past the threshold, after which time they attempt to have a successful relationship despite an inability to touch each other. Hilarious antics ensure, as you can imagine.
Ned’s second job is as an information source for a private detective, also a regular character, for whom he brings people back in order to ask them questions.
The show has the charm and storytelling prowess of the more popular Dead Like Me, which was also created by Fuller.
The new comicbook will be a twelve issue series, which will take the characters from the show on one last adventure, to wrap everything up. It opens as a major flood begins washing bodies out of the local graveyard. The style looks a bit grey compared to the often bright and bubbly style of the shows typical visuals, but all we have so far is this one page, showcasing the three major characters at the graveyard in the rain.
No specific date has yet been announced for the release, and it may be sometime, and the original publishing house, which was to handle the series, WildStorm, has since closed its doors. For now, we’ll have to satisfied with just this one page: