Marvel and Disney will be putting out a special edition, 4-issue comic book line which will cover the story of John Carter, Dejah Thoris, and Tars Tarkas before they meet in the upcoming film.
The line will be written by Peter David and Illustrated by Luke Ross.

Despite the cover of the first issue (shown here) John and Dejah will not meet during the course of the story.
Instead, we’ll get to see each of them in separate stories which lead up to where the film picks up the tale from both sides. It will cover John’s life on earth, as well as the story of the great war, which leads Barsoom into the terrible state it is in upon his arrival.
“We’re thrilled to bring fans their first look at the world of John Carter before the blockbuster film wows audiences next year,” said Axel Alonso, Marvel Editor In Chief.
“It’s been a pleasure working with Disney, Peter and Luke to craft a powerful story that will appeal to both the legions of John Carter fans and those who are new to this exciting world.”
The upcoming film from Disney is based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel A Princess of Mars, and depicts a retired Captain from the American Civil War, who gets mysteriously transported to Mars (called Barsoom), where he befriends the beautiful princess Dejah, and finds that he must save the world of Barsoom from itself.
“I am really thrilled to be collaborating with Disney & Marvel on this project and look forward to audiences exploring the world of John Carter via this exciting comic offering,” says Director Andrew Stanton.
“I have wanted to see this property on the big screen since I was a young boy and hope that John Carter: World of Mars will excite and inspire fans of the series much like I was inspired many years ago.”
John Carter #1 will hit shelves this October. Disney’s John Carter will hit theaters March 9, 2012.