The Director of Xbox Live Policy and Enforcement has threatened to ban players who deliberately exploit a suicide-bombing “javelin glitch” in Modern Warfare 2.
“While Infinity Ward works on getting the MW2 glitch fixed, people we catch using it will receive suspensions from Live,” Stephen Toulouse (Stepto) warned over Twitter. ??”Play fair everyone.”
Stepto noted that typical bans lasted 24 hours, but could be extended up to two weeks if circumstances warranted.
According to Kotaku, the infamous glitch can be activated on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.
“It enables someone carrying a rocket launcher to turn into a sprinting human bomb. While the player dies in the process, it’s still a cheap way to get kills, including triples and quads,” wrote Kotaku’s Owen Wood. ??

“Remember, trying it subjects you to a day without multiplayer. Which is like a day without sunshine. Or something.”??
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