It’s official. Every sport must now be in 3D.
Whenever there’s a revolution in TV broadcasting, it usually hits live sports entertainment first. That’s because, more than any other genre, sports broadcasts are all about making you feel like you’re part of the action.

When high definition first started coming around, football and basketball games were the first to adopt the new standard, and the same has been true with 3D.
But now European network Sky 3D is taking it to the next level, bringing the World Darts Championship to 3D for the first time.
The network began testing 3D presentations of darts matches in bars across the UK and Ireland. Apparently people liked it.
There will now be 32 cameras on hand to film the event, a full 10 more than was required to shoot it in HD.
What’s cool about the idea of darts in 3D is that viewers will actually be able to feel as though they are on the dartboard as the darts are coming toward them.
Two specially-placed 3D cameras are there to give that effect. “At the World Matchplay I was ducking and diving when those darts were coming at me in 3D,” said Sky sports presenter Sid Waddell in an interview with local publication Sportsnews Ireland.