A five-month Trivial Pursuit game waged between the sexes has concluded that women are more knowledgeable than men – but only just.
Women clinched the title after correctly answering 4,088,139 questions, compared with 4,077,596 right answers from the men.

“The online Trivial Pursuit Battle of the Sexes experiment invited people worldwide to compete for the ultimate bragging rights – to be a member of the smartest team,” said Katreena Lines, Global Senior Marketing Manager of Trivial Pursuit.
“The online experience invited everyone to show off their inner genius, by answering 1, 10 or 100 questions a day, in support of their team. Our congratulations to the women who fought hard for the win!”
Unlike the board game, the contest allowed players to stick to their favourite categories. Entertainment was most popular, followed by Science and Nature. Nobody much liked People and Places.
The company’s now planning another tournament, this time between the under- and over-30s. www.trivialpursuitexperiment.com It’ll begin next month.