The film adaptation of popular video game series Uncharted is going to start from scratch.
That means the script ideas that had come from the previous director will be tossed out in favor of a brand new, fresh take on the series that has made Nathan Drake a fictional star.

In an interview with, director Neil Burger said, “We’re re-writing the script from scratch,” referring to the previous script from now-ex-director David O. Russell.
Russell’s ideas and overall management of the Uncharted film had come under much criticism by fans of the game who ridiculed the way he wanted to transform it for a movie audience.
Currently, not a lot is known about the movie under Burger’s direction, but there is certainly hope that he’ll give justice to the cinematic experience that the PS3 titles have already offered.
Burger appears to recognize that, and doesn’t feel the need to make that many adjustments to the series’ lore. Unlike most other video game-related movies, the story is already very fleshed out and doesn’t need a huge creative overhaul.
As for who will be in the cast, Burger said, “Until the screenplay is written you never know who’s going to be acting in it or not. But there are a lot of good actors out there who even look like Nathan Drake and who could do it.”
However, it has already been reported that Robert Deniro and Bradley Cooper are among Burger’s top picks for some role in the flick.