If tuning into Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest for the New Year’s Eve countdown just isn’t enough to ramp your excitement for the New Year, there is a new high tech solution to help you countdown: the Times Square New Year’s Eve app.
The free app, available in both the Android marketplace and Apple app store, has a standard countdown to the new year feature, but with added features like a live stream of the Times Square festivities with a special countdown as the ball drops.
Even if you can’t spend NYE in Times Square New York, what was once called the epicenter of the world, (or in Lady Gaga’s opinion, “the intersection between hell and nowhere”), you can upload photos from your own NYE celebrations using the app.

With the built-in Facebook voting integration, users can vote on their favorite photos to get them on one of the Toshiba-run display screens in Time Square.
So, even if you can’t be there in person, maybe you and your friends can be seen by thousands of New Yorkers.
On the day-of, users can check-in to all things NYC like weather and history, or even send a “kiss” postcard to friends from a virtual Times Square.
If you’re lucky enough to be in Times Square on NYE, the app supports both Foursquare, Facebook Places, and of course, Twitter so you can brag to your friends about where you are, while they spend NYE in less chic spots.
(Via Electronistia)
Lydia Leavitt