It is certainly a strong holiday season for gaming, and the new motion controllers are right at the front of it all. Microsoft just announced it has sold 2.5 million Kinect cameras for the Xbox 360, and now Sony is touting its latest number for the PlayStation Move – 4.1 million.
The timing surely is not a coincidence, as Sony and Microsoft are in an all-out war for holiday sales and to prove to developers that their motion controller is the more worthwhile platform.

The Move launched on September 17 in the US, meaning it has sold around 53,000 units every day since then. The Kinect, meanwhile, was released just this month, on November 4. So that peripheral has been selling at a rate of 100,000 per day. Microsoft’s marketing budget for Kinect is grossly higher than what Sony is pouring into Move. Microsoft has never spent more to promote a single Xbox product than it has for Kinect. And it appears to be working.
But even though the Move may not be in every single TV commercial break you see, it seems to be holding its own.