Los Angeles (CA) – Sony has confirmed that Agent will be available exclusively for the Playstation 3. Agent, devloped by Rockstar of GTA fame, is an espionage game that takes place during the 1970s when bell-bottom jeans and dangling cigarettes were all the rage.

Agent will offer players the opportunity to engage in counter-intelligence activity, covert assassinations and sleazy political intrigue.
Sony and Square Enix also showcased a new version of Final Fantasy XIII (Spring 2010) and Final Fantasy XIV Online (MMORPG).

In addition, the company showed off Assassin’s Creed II. The sequel to the original title is set in the Italian Renaissance and offers cameo appearances by none other than Leonardo Da Vinci, who offers to procure a flying machine for the protagonist.
Finally, Sony announced that it plans to port approximately 50 classic PS 1 games to the PSP and Playstation 3.
Other notable games slated for release include:
- Gran Turismo 5
- Trico – The Last Guardian
- Mod Nation Racers
- God of War 3
- Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
- Resident Evil