Sega has decided to significantly reduce the number of “mature” Wii games it develops and publishes.
“Are we going to do more mature titles for the Wii? Probably not,” Constantine Hantzopoulos, a Sega of America studio director, told 1Up in a podcast transcribed by Develop.
“I have to say that it was a space that was open and we took a gamble on it. It’s like, ‘Wow, there’s no mature games on the Wii. Is there an audience out there?’
“We did some research, it said there was an audience out there.”

However, Hantzopoulos admitted that the hardcore audience had failed to “immediately respond” to certain mature titles.
“Both [MadWorld and House of the Dead: Overkill] are doing okay and at the end of the day we’ll make our numbers, that’s good. [But] look at Dead Space Extraction. We were stunned. That was my litmus test.
“Basically, it’s like, okay, you got EA, who can put all the marketing muscle behind this, an established franchise that scored quite well on 360 and PS3. They should be able to actually hit this out of the park, right?
“We get numbers, real numbers aside from NPD, and I’m like, ‘Woah.’”
See Also
Hard core gamers shun Conduit for the Wii
Nintendo clueless about “hardcore” Wii games
Wii too “last-gen” for Xbox 360 game ports
Wii regains top hardware spot as PS3 sales slip