For all those critics who say that wearing 3D glasses isn’t cool, well, maybe you can pimp them out with some Swarovski crystals like the Queen.
Soak in this picture because it’s one for the history books. 84-year-old Queen Elizabeth II has become the highest-ranking dignitary to be photographed in 3D glasses.

Alright, so maybe it doesn’t quite prove that 3D glasses are cool, but props to the Queen for actually going through with it. She does look a little bit miffed in that picture, though.
Of course, being that she is the Queen and all, she got to bypass the bucket of reusable glasses, and instead got a special pair encrusted with Swarovski crystals.
It all happened during her visit to the Pinewood Toronto Studios in Canada. She got to witness a scene being filmed in 3D, and then immediately watching it played back on a big projection screen.
Studio photographer John Reeve told UK newspaper Guardian, “I think the Queen liked the glasses.”