Publisher THQ has canned its upcoming Saints Row 3DS game, adding to a surprising list of early titles canceled for the device.
“We are not developing Saints Row: Drive By,” THQ said in an e-mail to Destructoid, adding that the company has “no further comment at this time.”

Electronic Arts also put the kibosh on one of its launch 3DS games – a game where players could care for pet animals. We’ve also heard of other projects being canceled for the new handheld.
These aren’t tiny development-budget titles. These are games from major studios being canned after serious work has gone into them. This can’t be good news for the 3DS, which uses brand new technology that most game developers have never had any experience with before.
Saints Row: Drive By was also to be released on the download platforms of the PS3 and Xbox 360, but it appears those plans have been scrapped as well. So it’s possible this announcement has more to do with the game itself rather than any complications with the 3DS hardware.
Either way, it’s unusual news, since Saints Row – a full retail title for the PS3 and Xbox 360 – was by any estimation a commercial success.
But perhaps it’s good news if publishers continue on a path of canceling titles if they don’t think they will turn out well. Goodness knows we get enough bad games hitting the market as it is.