Sony is giving a gift to users who haven’t yet signed up for Music Unlimited.
The streaming, subscription-based music service is kind of like Pandora’s online radio system, except users can search for and playback specific music tracks, and can also download tracks as they listen to them over the nonstop streaming channels.

At least, those are the features for the top tier of Music Unlimited. For those who don’t want to pay a lot of money, they can still listen to unlimited streaming music but there are limitations to how users can find and playback specific tracks.
More than seven million tracks are available through Music Unlimited, which in addition to being available through a dedicated PS3 app is also on PC and smartphone platforms.
But it’s PS3 users who are getting a generous offer this week – six free months for free.
Music Unlimited was not really included in Sony’s “Welcome Back” offering for PS3 users after the Playstation Network was brought back online. However, users who did have a paid subscription were eligible to get a free additional month of service.
The service was unveiled not too long before the Playstation Network was hacked and taken offline. Now it’s time for Sony to remind users of its existence. It has since launched a Music Unlimited app on Android.