Looking for some action this steamy summer? How about pimping yourself out on Date-Mi.com?
Unlike traditional hook-up websites, the seriously retro Date-Mi uses personalized dating cards that allows prospective hunks and hotties to safely make new connections.
“The dating cards have a personal message on the front and unique contact code on the back. They are about a 1/3rd the size of a business card and produced on sustainable paper,” explained Date-Mi CEO Sufian Abdullah.
“When you give someone a card you have not disclosed any personal information, you have taken some action, stayed in control whilst giving yourself time to reflect.”
According to Abdullah, traditional online dating sites “just don’t appeal” to many modern singles.
“Reasons for this include seeing these sites as too clinical, too time consuming or that they do not want to appear online and be found by colleagues, clients or even friends and family.
“But on Date-Mi.com, you can have an online profile that is only accessed by people that you give a card to and after just a couple of minutes you can have a dating experience that fits into your lifestyle. As each card has a unique code there is further protection as only one person can use it.”