The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) has launched a casual gaming website designed to hone the skills of the DoD’s acquisition and logistics work force.
The site currently features 13 games – most with 2D graphics – that focus on contracting issues and fraud detection.
Each of the 13 titles were carefully coded to bolster job performance through the “reinforcement of core competencies.”

To be sure, the games offer procurement professionals “just-in-time” training, along with pre-deployment instruction8 for contingency contractors.
“We’re really focused on what is our minimum level of fidelity required to target the learning objectives. And we’ve really tried to focus on what’s our lowest-cost, lowest-timeline solution for those,” explained DAU’s Dr. Alicia Sanchez.
“[Of course], we’re going to start incorporating types of games that focus on very complex skills. But our focus to date has been on core competencies.”
Want to play? You can check out DAU’s training games here.
(Via the US DoD website)