Influx’s TVStation 2 allows users to create their own online TV network where they can program scheduled video, stream live content, and chat online with others in a unique Web-based social environment.
Influxis describes itself as “an Adobe Flash Media Server specialist with services that include hosting, pre-built applications, and FMS user resources.” The company’s pride and joy is its TVStation software.

With the new version upgrade, users can queue up their own pre-recorded content, existing YouTube videos, and live media, as well as image slideshows and audio clips.
“Our new TVStation application gives our clients the power to run their own 24-hour television network without the overhead and capital cost traditionally associated with broadcast video,” said the company’s CEO Richard Blakely.
The service also allows users to re-stream previous live content, and it contains an analytical interface that displays information on the viewing statistics for each online channel.
Users can download TVStation 2, which is currently in beta form, from Influxis’s Web site.