Well, it isn’t as if this developer has an agenda, say like plugging mobile gaming as a panacea for all the world’s ills.
Not at all.
So yes, it comes as little surprise that Peter Vesterbacka, the head dev of Angry Birds at Rovio, told an SXSW panel this weekend consoles games are dying an unceremonious and terrible death.

The future, he claimed, belongs to, yes, you guessed it: those ubiquitous smartphones and tablets.
According to Vesterbacka, gaming “innovation” has clearly moved into the mobile and social realm, allowing “nimble” companies to quickly develop and launch cheaper content.
However, Vesterbacka conceded “no one has yet figured out” a lucrative business paradigm for mobile gaming.
Well, you aren’t alone.
Indeed, UberGizmo’s George Wong termed Vesterbacka’s claim little more than “deluded” speculation.
“While it is true that mobile phone games are cheaper and much more accessible due to the fact that everybody has a smartphone nowadays, those games just don’t live up to the experience you get from full-blown games that you experience on your TV,” explained Wong.
“As casual games for you to play while waiting for the bus or standing in line at a long queue, mobile phone games are great time wasters. But hours spent playing Angry Birds aren’t going to draw you in like the storyline-based games of Final Fantasy, or Heavy Rain.”
Wong added that cellphone gaming was likely to “complement” the industry rather than “killing off” consoles, as both offer their own advantages and disadvantages.
[Via VentureBeat & UberGizmo]