New peripheral converts Wii signal to HD

An electronic design company called VDIGI has released the world’s first HDMI connector designed for the Nintendo Wii, offering upscaled graphics to 1080p.

The VD-W3 connects to the Wii on one side and to an HDMI input on the other side. It can convert both audio and video through the HDMI cable. 

As UK news site DCEmu – which was the first to notice the product – points out, it is the first dedicated product that claims to offer full HD upscaling for the Wii up to 1080p resolution.

The Wii is becoming somewhat of a relic with the fact that it is has no native HD support. Meanwhile, the Playstation 3 is already working on 3D games in 1080p high definition. Nintendo has hinted on creating an udpated Wii with HD capabilities, but nothing concrete has been announced.

The unit is available from VDIGI’s online store for $75. HDMI cable not included.