New company streamlines embedding video games

Video game publishers can now embed content on blogs, social media sites, or any other Web site as easily as posting an image or Youtube video, thanks to a new company called InstantAction.

It works like this: a publisher uses InstantAction’s service to translate their game into a simple HTML embed code. That code can then be spread around anywhere on the Internet, and when users access it on a Web site they are prompted to pay for access to the game.

The idea of browser-embedded games has been highly confined to content like simple Flash games. And even then, they’re usually relegated to one Web site.

However, with social media gaming on the rise and as the video game market continues to expand beyond the traditional crowd, expanding the embedded games market is a natural progression.

“It was only a matter of time before the Internet disrupted the extremely limited distribution channels available to game creators,” said Pacific Crest Securities analyst Evan S. Wilson, in a press release for InstantAction.

The 2010s will bring new possibilities to independent developers, as low-entry-cost platforms like Facebook, and even the digital distribution services on consoles like PSN, WiiWare, and Xbox Live Marketplace, begin to overshadow the traditional brick-and-mortar, physical media market.

Games can also be customized for social networking sites, adding in the ability to connect to friends’ lists and other social features. The service launches today, with its flagship title The Secret of Monkey Island. And here’s how easy it is to embed to a site:

The Secret of Monkey Island:SE powered by InstantAction