Leonard Nimoy will always be Spock for innumerable Star Trek fans. Say what you will about Zachary Quinto, but Nimoy was the original archetype for the half human, half Vulcan character.
Yes, the re-imagined Star Trek 2 will soon be hitting Warp 9 with Captain JJ Abrams at the helm, so I suppose it is rather fitting that Nimoy has chosen to hang up his Vulcan ears and stop attending Trekkie conventions.

After all, it is a logical, if not inevitable move, as legions of young fans already identify Quinto, rather than Nimoy, as Spock in an alternate Star Trek universe.
“This is hard. I thought it would be, and it is,” an emotional Nimoy told the crowd at his final Trek convention appearance this past weekend.
“I’m so grateful for the support we have had and the exchange of love that we have had for so many years… May each and every one of you live long and prosper.”
Although Nimoy was adamant about his decision to retire, the 80-year-old actor seemed to leave the door open for a couple of future appearances, saying he may pop up from time to time on a soundtrack, television or movie screen.
Meanwhile, Jonathan Frakes – aka Commander William T. Riker – told the Daily Herald that Nimoy would likely find it quite difficult to retire and stay away from the public eye.
“I think it’s a Brett Favre move. I’m sure he believes it’s his last tour,” Frakes said. ”I don’t think he’s lying. But I’m sure he can be persuaded to return to the circuit given the right price and incentive… I love him. He is a Renaissance man.”
Nimoy appeared at approximately 125 Star Trek conventions before telling his fans to “live long and prosper” for what could be the last time.