Looking for a porn fix with an alien twist? How about watching some steamy Na’vi action this September?
Yes, indeed, Hustler has announced plans to release a 3D porn parody of James Cameron’s blockbuster hit Avatar.

The aptly titled “This Ain’t Avatar XXX,” is supposedly the highest-budget film ever produced by the raunchy adult-entertainment company.
So, what will the inevitably blue Na’vi lovin’ look like?
Well, Michael d’Estries of MNN speculates that Hustler may choose to employ a “little artistic license” in achieving the desired effect.
“‘But wait a minute!’, you say. ‘I thought the Na’vi didn’t have sexual organs like humans?!’ Right you are, my useless knowledge cohort,” wrote d’Estries.
“In fact, a deleted sex scene from the original film showed the two main characters ‘mating’ by hooking their tails together. [But] either way, you’re sure to witness lots of blue-painted porn stars dressed up as Na’vi and, naturally, getting it on.”
But 3D isn’t just sizzling hot in the US. In fact, it’s even bigger in Japan, where S1 No.1Style recently debuted the country’s first 3D porn movies.
And those films can’t seem to come fast enough for 33-year old Satoshi Miyazaki, who is apparently just dying to lose his 3D-porn virginity.
“I want to try it out,” said Miyazaki, who pays approximately 2,000 yen a month to watch adult cable channels.
“I need something dramatic to justify replacing my TV. This could be the motivation.”
It could, indeed.